A Magna Carta 800th anniversary project
Time for Rights was a commission by 1215.today to engage young people around the world about human rights.
We asked them to film a short video on their mobile about the human right they cared about the most, and to do so at the same time as an act of solidarity: 12:15pm on the 12th August, International Youth Day.
We received 180 videos from 12 countries on the hashtag #timeforrights, and made an interactive sphere of them. We played the sphere immersively in the planetarium at We The Curious in Bristol. The globe of videos rotated around the audience, the voices located in the space.
We also worked with a group of young people to perform a digitally enhanced play on the themes of the project at Lincoln Castle, and recreated this as part of Bristol’s Sanctum performances.
Time for Rights was inspired by our Nth Screen platform for synchronised filming. We went on to create the hashtag-based collective video platform Vorb.